Rotation 270 counterclockwise about origin is easy, swap the x and y then reverse the sign of the y so (x, y) rotates to (y, -x) Sadly to change the centre we need to translate the centre to the origin, rotate and the translate back. In this case that means adding -1, 2 to x,y respectively, rotating, adding 1, -2 to x,y respectively
B(2, 3) translates to (1, 5) which rotates to (5, -1) and translates back to B’(6, -3) C(6, -4) translates to (5, -2) which rotates to (-2, -5) and translates back to C’(-1, -7) D(7, -6) translates to (6, -4) which rotates to (-4, -6) and translates back to (-3, -8) E(3, -5) translates to (2, -3) which rotates to (-3, -2) and translates back to (-2, -4)
The translation is much easier simply moving each point 8 to the right B’(2, 11), C’(6, 4), D’(7, 2) and E’(3, 3)