Lean Production Perspective</h2>
There are 6 Business management perspective. They are:
- An ethics perspective
- Strategic management perspective
- Enterprise risk management
- Corporate social responsibility perspective
- A process management perspective
- A leadership perspective
Here the Lean production perspective does not come under the business management perspective.
Lean production actually deals with cutting down of waste and whilst ensuring quality. This approach is basically a cost-cutting approach where it brings benefit to the business. This is one of the most efficient methods.
2 year college = associates degree you can earn this in community colleges or technical colleges. 4 year degree = bachelors degree this is the highest you can go in college or university therefore is very awarding.
A a boundary point or network boundary point, a demarcation point is the physical point at which the public network of a telecommunications company ends and the private network of a customer begins.
It is the process of controlling the use or exploitation of forested land.
The reason is that the company provides laibility shield and also a great opportunity to raise finance through listing in the stock exchange. Furthermore the tax rates in the limited partnerships is higher than the companies required that the profits are not distributed to its shareholders. However in the corporation legal form can be used to defer the income tax by not issuing dividends and reinvesting that money in the business (Tax benefits).
So the best legal form of business is corporation.