$10 / 25 = 0.4
$18.50 / 50 =0.37
$27.20 / 80 = 0.34
Highest unit price is 0.40 per kazoo.
2) you should put it in fraction terms, your answer is right, but it looks better as y/22
4) you don't need the dot, you can just write 2/3 x
7) same thing as 2, 2z/8
11) same thing as 2, c/4
They're all right :)
Step-by-step explanation:
We khow that A is the sum of all odd numbers that are less than 100
So A= 1+3+5+...+99
We can calculate this sum without adding all this numbers one by one
A = the number of terms *( first term + last one ) over 2
To get the number of terms we substract the first term from the last term then we add one
We khow that odd numbers are wiritten this way : 2*n +1 where n is an integer
So 99= 2*49+1
1= 2*0+1
So the number of terms is : 49-0+1 =50
So A= 50*(1+99)/2 = 2500
Foloowing the same method we get :
B= (49-1+1)*(2+98)/2= 2450
Step-by-step explanation:
cot =cos/sin =a/b
(sin-cos)/(sin+cos) =(sin-sin*a/b)(sin+sin*a/b)
It’s the first one ( quadratic )