When Libby wrote the email to her friend, she typed the '@' symbol. When pressing SHIFT and 2 together, it pastes this aforementioned symbol. However, there isn't any specific name for the symbol. As a matter as fact, there are several names that this symbol goes by.
The most famous name this symbol is called is the "at symbol" or the "at sign". In terms of a formal name, "commercial at" would be a good one.
Here's an example with the symbol:
[email protected]
This is essentially telling the email server where to send your email. From this, they'll know it's located at brainly.com! It's pretty neat.
Physical parts of computer: Computer Hardware
<h2>I would recommend Python Programming language</h2>
The major reason i recommend python is that It has a ton of resources, and community support, such that it is practically impossible to get stuck while carrying out a project
Python is easy,and lets you build more functions with fewer lines of code.
More so, provides a stepping stone to learning other code and it is a very flexible language