Biological wastewater treatment is the most common method of sanitation in the world. This technology uses different types of bacteria and other micro-organisms for the treatment and cleaning of polluted water.
Wastewater treatment is as essential to human health as it is to environmental protection. Indeed, the use of these bacteria accelerates the treatment of pollution on a small surface: the purification plant. It’s better than letting the river handle it, because even though it’s the same purification process that occurs in nature, the quantities of pollution discharged today are too high to keep the natural cycle intact.
Thus, sewage treatment plants can prevent eutrophication of rivers, for example, but also prevent the diffusion of diseases.
Municipal and industrial effluent is the main source of wastewater. And thanks to the use of micro-organisms, we are able to degrade the content of these organic wastes as they are used as a source of food and energy to grow and multiply.