150. 1:4. 120:30. 120-30=90
A negative number squared is a positive number. Squaring is multiplying a number by its self.
Step-by-step explanation:
X^2 = x * x
Squaring something is just multiplying it by its self.
A negative times a negative = a positive
A positive times a positive = a positive
A negative times a positive = a negative
A positive times a negative = a negative
- * - = +
+ * + = +
- * + = -
+ * - = -
Here is how my 6th grade teacher helped me to remember it:
If something bad (-) happens to a bad guy (-), that is good.
If something good (+) happens to a good guy (+), that is good.
If something bad (-) happens to a good guy (+), that is bad.
If something good (+) happens to a bad guy (-), that is bad.
I hope I helped!
Let me know if you need anything else!
~ Zoe
Step-by-step explanation:
12568*.45 = 5655.6
c is best answer here
We can drop the absolute value and the signs, and the integer part if they're all the same, and then make a common denominator and check for a decreasing sequence.
10/12, 7/12, 5/12 -- Check decreasing
3 1/3, 3 2/3, 2 2/3 -- nope, increases then decreases
6 5/7, 6 3/7, 5 2/7 - Check, decreasing
11 7/10, 11 6/10, 10 3/10 -- Check, decreasing
Answer: A,C,D
34 x 47 = 1598 so that’s the range