Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the Parliament of England passed the Navigation Acts to increase the profit England derived from its colonies. ... Once under British control, regulations were imposed on the colonies that allowed the colony to produce only raw materials and to trade only with Britain.
Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, was the first case where the United States Supreme Court ruled that a law that is race-neutral on its face, but is administered in a prejudicial manner, is an infringement of the Equal Protection Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
<span>Grant's capture of Vicksburg gave the Union full control of the river and effectively severed the trans-Mississippi region from the rest of the Confederacy. The success of his brilliant campaign caused Lincoln to place Grant in charge of all Union armies west of the Appalachians. In a short time, his forces captured the rail center of Chattanooga and cleared the way for an invasion of Georgia. Lincoln then gave Grant supreme command of all Union armies.</span>
body having the property of attracting iron and producing a magnetic field external to itself specifically : a mass of iron, steel, or alloy that has this property artificially imparted. 2 : something that attracts a box-office magnet.