The rapid urbanization in Southeast Asia has caused many problems. As the urbanization was way to rapid, and it was not well planned, the urban areas look like everything but urban. The housing problem is huge, as there's not enough for the demand on place, so lot of people live in very small living areas. The basic needs for life, like clean water and electricity are not on good level, often lacking. The environment has been destroyed because of clearing up space, but also after the people have settled, as the garbage and sewage go directly into the closest water bodies. Fertile soil that could have been used for agriculture has been destroyed for building settlements. The badly planned urbanization also led to building on places that are not safe, like places where there are low ground waters and aquifers, places that are always under danger of floods, places that have soft sediments and sink.
> <u>c.</u> is the correct answer. Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences is a valid, reliable model that expands the construct of intelligence.
<em>The theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner suggests that all people have different kinds of intelligence (eight to nine intelligences) and that traditional psychometric views of intelligence are limited. This theory enjoys considerable popularity with educators. Gardner proposed in his book "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences" that people do not have just an intellectual capacity, but have many kinds of intelligence.</em>
Paper currency or banknotes are pieces of paper that carry a payment promise for the currency written on them and which is payable to the bearer on demand. At the beginning, banknotes were issued by commercial banks that backed their value by holding reserves of gold and silver coins. Nowadays, its value is fiduciary, it is not backed by any physical good of the same value.
The development of paper currency by Song's dinasty meant a considerable improvement from merchants and traders at those times. Paper money was much easier to transport if compared to coins, both in terms of size and weight. Merchants could travel for a longer time carrying their profits with them on the way and became more efficient in their businesses.