Answer: sexual reproduction is the union of male and female gametes to form a fertilized egg, or zygote. The resulting offspring inherit one half of their traits from each parent. The process where haploid sex cells are created from diploid parents is called meiosis, and it occurs only in the reproductive organs.
i have advanced so this is what i got right
Easy answer: its too hot.
The deepest man made hole is Kola Superdeep Borehole. That was a Russian experiment to see how deep you could drill into earths crust, reaching down 12,262 meters. At that depth the temperature reached 180 °C. The scientists estimated that a 15,000 meters depth the temperature would reach 300 °C, and at that temperature the drill would cease to work and the project was stopped.
The Active transport along cytoskeletal filaments.
Cytoskeletal filaments incorporate microfilament, microtubules and intermediate filament which take into consideration faster transport than diffusion as they support cell division and the basis of movement. The active transport also maintain the right concentrations of molecules and ions within living cells.
b. Nitrification
Nitrifying bacteria are present in the soil that help in the oxidation process of ammonia that liberates the nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-) compounds. These resulting compounds are captured by plants and this process is called nitrification. In the nitrification stage there are two chemical processes. That are:
• Nitrous: is the oxidation of ammonia (NH3) that results in the nitrite chemical compound (NO2-).
• Nitration: It is the oxidation of ammonia (NH3) that results in nitrate (NO3-).