That she is intaking a sufficient amount of oxygen with adequate tidal volume so that her organs remain perfused. If she is not taking in sufficient oxygen she will goninto shock due to the lack of oxygen before seizing, going into Cardiac Arrest, and expiring.
You need to provide some form of supplementary oxygen if she does not have adequate tidal volume and her Spo2 has the potential to get worse so you'd automatically hook her up to oxygen via an NRB. If her respirations begin to fail you provide positive pressure ventilation via BVM.
Human copy is any form of sexual replica resulting in human fertilization. It generally entails sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. During sexual intercourse, the interplay between the male and female reproductive systems effects in fertilization of the woman's ovum by means of the man's sperm.
”Loose or lax ligaments in turn are not capable of supporting joints as effectively as healthy ones, making the affected individual prone to further injury as well as compensation for the weakness using other parts of the body. Afflicted individuals may improve over time and lose some of their juvenile hyperlaxity as they age. Individuals over age 40 often have recurrent joint problems and almost always have chronic pain. Back patients with ligamentous laxity in the area of the spine may also experience osteoarthritis and disc degeneration.
In the case of extreme laxity, or hypermobility, affected individuals often have a decreased ability to sense joint position, which can contribute to joint damage. The resulting poor limb positions can lead to the acceleration of degenerative joint conditions. Many hypermobility patients have osteoarthritis, disorders involving nerve compression, chondromalacia patellae, excessive anterior mandibular movement, mitral valve prolapse, uterine prolapse and varicose veins.”