Whole numbers are positive numbers (this includes 0) that do not have decimals or fractions to them.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,etc are all whole numbers, because they are positive and do not have decimals or fractions
1.25 would not be a whole number, because although it is positive, it has a decimal.
Answer: 94.5
Step-by-step explanation:
If average of 9 students is 94, their total will be 94x 9 = 846
If the 10th student scores 99, the new total is 846 + 99 = 945
So, the new average will be
945/10 = 94.5
The ratio of circumference to diameter is independent of the radius.
Defining C=circumference, r=radius, D=diameter = 2r
Circumference = C = 2 π r = π D
ratio of circumference / diameter
= C/D = π
Well, if 224,988 pounds of milk is produced by 12 cows, if i divide 224,988 by 12 i get the pounds per 1 cow. Consider it set up in this ratio.
224,988pounds/12 cows = xpounds/1 cow
Then you would solve for x.
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