The option that he should implement would be a switchboard interface design. These design structures for graphic user interfaces use a single main page, large icons/buttons, a fixed navigation menu, and all the necessary functionality right in front of the user. This design is made with simplicity in mind in order to make it as easy as possible for a new user to pick up and efficiently and intuitively navigate the user interface. Therefore, since Calvin needs a simple yet professional design, this would be the best implementation.
The correct answer is E.
void change(int ar[], int low, inthigh) {
int temp;
if(low< high) { <em>// here ask if the positions low and high of the array are the same.</em>
temp= ar[low]; <em>// first, saves the element on ar[low] in temp.</em>
ar[low]= ar[high]; <em>// second, the element on ar[high] in ar[low]. First switch.</em>
ar[high]= temp; <em>// third, saves the element on temp in ar[high]. Complete switch.</em>
change(ar,low + 1, high - 1); <em>// Recursive call, adding one position to low, and subtracting one position to high. </em><em>Important: </em><em>When low and high have the same value, the recursive call will finish.</em>
Result: Switch the lower half of elements in the array with the upper half.
TCP/IP is a communications protocol used to send information over the web.
TCP / IP, which stands for the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, is a set of communication protocols used to connect internet network devices. The whole suite of the Internet Protocol — a set of rules and procedures — is commonly called TCP / IP.
The TCP / IP protocol suite acts as a layer of abstraction between web applications and the routing / switching fabric. TCP / IP defines how data is shared over the internet by supplying end-to-end communications that specify how the data should be split into packets, signed, distributed, routed and received at the destination.
The answer is help because it helps you<span />
The correction is C.
One of the major factors that determine the quality of a printer is the resolution of that printer. The resolution is also called DPI [Dots Per Inch]. The DPI refers to amount of ink that an inkjet printer can place in a one inch line of a printed document. The higher the DPI of a printer, the higher the resolution.