When a species is in a stable and favorable environments.
<span>The essential unit of DNA packaging is the nucleosome. A nucleosome consists of a small amount of DNA wrapped up with protein. The proteins that interact with DNA to form chromatin comprise a family of basic (positively charged) proteins called histones. There are five different types of histone protein: H1, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Of these, two molecules each of H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 combine to form a histone octamer. DNA wraps around the octamer, making 1 3/4 turns around the protein complex. The amount of DNA associated with the histone octamer is 146 bp. The octamer plus the DNA comprise what is called the nucleosome core. A small stretch of DNA (60 bp) runs between adjacent nucleosome cores, and is known as the linker. A single nucleosome consists of one core plus a linker. The total amount of DNA involved in a single nucleosome is approximately 206 bp. Chromatin therefore consists of DNA wrapped around one histone octamer after another, like a long string of beads.</span>
Hydrogen bonds
Hydrogen bonds exist between the two strands and form between a base, from one strand and a base from the second strand in complementary pairing. These hydrogen bonds are individually weak but collectively quite strong.
Haematopoietic and lymphoid malignancies are tumors that affect the blood, bone marrow and lymphatic system and all of those elements are very closely connected. Because of the connection between the circulatory and immune system, if one of the elements is affected it is very possible that the other will be affected too. Type of hematological malignancy includes:
1. Leukemias-cancers of white blood cells which usually begin in the bone marrow
2. Lymphomas-blood cancers developed from the lymphocytes
<span>3. <span>Myelomas-cancer of plasma cells (which produce antibodies).</span></span>
I believe the answer is number 1
• Different constellations seen by people in the North and South
I hope this helps :)