Jennifer had always been pretty, even as a child. Now, even though she is 40, she still retained her beauty until last year. Sud
denly, she found that her lower jaw seemed to be growing larger. Another thing that she noticed was that her wedding band did not fit anymore. Her hands seemed to be getting bigger! She could not wear the gloves she had worn last year. Also, her nose seemed to be taking over her face! None of her shoes fit her anymore. She used to wear a size 7, now she was up to an 8! Finally she went to her family doctor. If you were her doctor, what would you tell her
Immediately I thought she was adding weight which seems to be the obvious answer. But, losing weight or gaining does not make the nose smaller or bigger. However, cartilage is made of collagen and other fibers that begin to break down as we age. The result is drooping. So what appears to be growth is just gravity doing its job. Our noses and our earlobes sag and become larger. Over time and because of gravity, our feet tend to get longer and wider.
The federal regulation that governs how researchers can obtain data about subjects' disciplinary status is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
The mentioned act specifiesguidelines for the procedure of acquiring data regarding the disciplinary status of the subject.
The specified guidelines are separate for the one seeking the data and the one dispensing the data.
The regulation also specifies the probable punishment and fine applicable in case the data is illegally disclosed or any other provision of the act is breached.