16 - 24 times
you can time yourself but the normal stands like this
With the ever improving technology medicine has been revolutionized to help in so many ways. There are now improvements to many things medicine can do like look for new pharmaceuticals, correct mistakes in surgeries, prolong life, and help provide in depth research into diseases and their anecdotes or cures.
Answer: True
The disease called as the Osteogenesis imperfecta is the genetic disorder which causes imperfect formation of bones. This occurs due to abnormalities in the molecule of collagen which makes the matrix weak and this causes multiple fractures of the bone even before birth in severe cases. In milder cases the bones break with mild trauma.
I would say yes, all buildings should be accessible. For one, what if there is an emergency? How would they get to where they need to be if not? Fire safety, without an accessible building there would be no way of entry to help.
I would pick to be a brain surgeon