|-16| means 16. Remember, Absolute Value is ALWAYS positive. Good luck!!
I can eyeball points (1/2, 8), (1,4), (2,1), (3,1/4)
The pattern is each increment of 1/2 in x divides by two.

Any of the points give k=16

Check: x=1/2 4^(3/2)=2^2=8 good
x=1 4^(2-1)=4 good
x=2 4^(2-2)=1 good
x=3 4^(2-3)=1/4 good
A triangle has 3 side, this makes no sense. Explain please.
The slope is m= 5/9 sorry if you weren’t looking for the slope
Since there is no decimal point, the answer is 345276.