Aggressive and respectful. They hated the ideals of each others since one was communist and the other was nationalist but they had a respect for each in Dr. Sun.
16 batches
To assert that legal segregation is harmful to children.
This purpose can be backed from the following lines from the excerpt:
Quote, "... their race generates a feeling of inferiority... for [because of] the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of African Americans".
To create artificial separation creates artificial rifts between what the students of different races may distinguish between the possible as well as that which they cannot achieve. In this, if there is a outwardly limiting factor that is not controlled by the student itself but by the state, it would create a societal boundary that would, quote, "affect the motivation of a [African American] child to learn".
She could speak shoshone language
was a big help to the Lewis and Clark Expedition in dealing with the Native American peoples the group encountered because she could speak the Shoshone language.