Salivating at the sound of bell and being afraid of white mice
Unconditioned response is a concept in classical conditioning which was first developed by Pavlov, a Russian psychologist. <u>Unconditioned response is an automatic reaction to a stimulus without learning or training</u>.
For example we jump when we hear a loud sound. Jumping here is an example of unconditioned response.
Salivating at the sound of bell and being afraid of white mice are the unconditioned responses in these examples.
Hunter-Gatherers were individuals who get their sustenance from the abundance of nature, chasing creatures and assembling wild plants.
<span>These were the primary agricultural colonies. These areas had the flatland needed for farming, and the climate that was agreeable to it, as well. Tobacco and, later, cotton were the main cash crops that came to be produced in these areas, which then led to the need for indentured labor and slave labor.</span>
wave just makes more sense honestly so stick with that ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I see that the person who painted it has mixed some different colors and did some shading, and I also see some watercolors up the clouds and grass