1. If you were a university scientist, how would you decide whether it is ethical for you to buy amber from Myanmar? a. If you t
ook a deontological approach, what would your reasoning look like? What moral principles would you take into account? 2. In deciding whether it is ethical for you to buy amber from Myanmar, do you need to guard against the self-serving bias unduly affecting your decision? If so, how would you go about guarding against it have a deleterious impact? 3. Are there other cognitive biases and heuristics that might adversely affect your moral reasoning if you are not careful? Which ones? 4. Are you aware of comparable situations around the world where individuals and corporations that wish to be moral buyers should be similarly wary, knowing that their purchase price might aid the seller’s bad acts? Is this ever a consideration thatbuyers should take into account? Is it always a consideration that buyers should take into account? 5. What can scientists considering the morality of trading in Myanmar amber learn from the debate over “conflict minerals” in Africa?
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