A homophily is term that is used in Sociology (the study of society and its people). This term refers to people's tendencies to identify and connect with people who are much like themselves. They can be similar in gender, race, socioeconomic status, personality, interests, or in their belief systems.
Example "A" would not best exemplify homophily because the statement does not provide any information that we would identify as commonalities.
Example "B" also is not an example of homophily, for the same reasons stated in Example "A".
Example "C" is a very good example of homophily. These two young people are the same race (race), attend the same church (belief system), and are majoring in the same discipline (interests).
Example "D" is another poor example of homophily. Although the pair met at a funeral (they know common people) and share common interests, their differences are a longer list than their commonalities. They are very far apart in age, have different religions (belief system), and are from different classes (socioeconomic status).