Some deviations from normal homeostasis activate the positive feedback loops to control the conditions which are otherwise regulated by negative feedback mechanisms.
For example, the blood levels of respiratory gases and H+ ions are regulated by a negative feedback system via chemoreceptors. The increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide gas and lowered pH or lowered partial pressure of oxygen in the blood are sense by central and peripheral chemoreceptors which in turn activate the neurons of the dorsal respiratory group (DRG).
The activated DRG triggers an increased in the rate and depth of the breathing to facilitate the inhalation of more oxygen and exhalation of CO2 to restore the normal levels.
However, hypocapnia inactivates the chemoreceptors and does not allow negative feedback to restore the normal CO2 levels in the blood.
Under such conditions, the positive feedback loop stimulates the DRG neurons more strongly in response to the increased partial pressure of CO2 above the normal levels than when the partial pressure of oxygen falls below the normal level. These dangerously lowered oxygen levels may also cause fainting.
Due to the definition of the central dogma, another way of putting it is that the central dogma follows the flow of information from DNA to protein.
Hydroponics way of growing, is way of farming, in which plants are grown in nutrient rich water. So, in Hydroponic growing of sprouts, sprouts get their nutrients from the nutrients supply like liquid fertilizers which are mixed with the water. It is one of the advantage of hydroponic means of growing because, unlike in soil system, the plants root does not have to work hard to get nutrient from underground. The easy availability of nutrients and other condition like water, pH level etc makes plants grow faster are fuller.
Also, advancement of technology have made it possible to prepare built-in hybrid hydroponic system which have multiple ways of delivering nutrient to specific plants.
DNA (or deoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecule that carries the genetic information in all cellular forms of life and some viruses. It belongs to a class of molecules called the nucleic acids, which are polynucleotides - that is, long chains of nucleotides.
soil and vegetative matter screening for soil structure integrity and invasive pathogens
Repeated use of fertilizer causes the soil to break down and lose it nutrient capacity. This in turn will affect the integrity of the plants, now in a nutrient deficit environment. In addition to this, soil micro-biome environment may also be compromised once soil structure and nutrient is lost. Some of the bacteria, fungi and protozoan in the soil plays a role in defense against invasive pathogens. When this is lost the possibility for infection and increased risk of unknown pest and disease is imminent.