Colloids or colloidal solutions are mixtures in which microscopically dispersed insoluble particles of one substance are suspended in another substance. The size of the suspended particles in a colloid can range from 1 to 1000 nanometers (10-9 meters).
Hope it helps........
C they are always found in homologous pairs
As epithelial makes the outer covering of all the organs and skin is also made of to be sure that it does not get depleted or destroyed due to friction and other external cause should be highly generative !
Microvilli is very common in these cells. They increase the absorption area.
Epithelial cell surfaces show different structure shapes that allow the cells to adapt to and accomplish their functions. Most of these structures are related to the absorption surface and the need to move substances.
The development of microvilli is very common in epithelial cells. These are folds or finger-like projections emerging from the apical surface of the cell. <u>Their principal function is to absorb</u>. The microvilli of the intestinal epithelium are very uniform in size and distribution.
Group IV of the Periodic Table of the Elements contains carbon (C), silicon (Si) and several heavy metals. Carbon, of course, is the building block of life as we know it. So is it possible that a planet exists in some other solar system where silicon substitutes for carbon? Several science fiction stories feature silicon-based life-forms--sentient crystals, gruesome golden grains of sand and even a creature whose spoor or scat was bricks of silica left behind. The novellas are good reading, but there are a few problems with the chemistry.
CRYSTALLINE CREATURES? Silicon can grow into a number of lifelike structures, but its chemistry makes it unlikely that it could be the basis for alien life-forms.</span>
Indeed, carbon and silicon share many characteristics. Each has a so-called valence of four--meaning that individual atoms make four bonds with other elements in forming chemical compounds. Each element bonds to oxygen. Each forms long chains, called polymers, in which it alternates with oxygen. In the simplest case, carbon yields a polymer called poly-acetal, a plastic used in synthetic fibers and equipment. Silicon yields polymeric silicones, which we use to waterproof cloth or lubricate metal and plastic parts.