The answer would be Nucleic Acids
I got two, but I could be wrong.
No, for the reason that, agar will not evaporate when it is in a solid state. Agar is a combination of two components, namely, the agaropectin, which is a heterogeneous combination of tinier molecules and another called the linear polysaccharide agarose.
Genetic engineering is the process of manipulating genes for practical purposes. today, scientists have genetically engineered many types of organisms including crop plants. which of the following is a current benefit gained from genetically engineered crops? a. some genes can be transferred to wild plants in the area. b. some animals develop allergies to the genetically engineered crops. c. some food staples, such as rice, contain more nutrients. d. some disease resistant fruits and vegetables are less flavorful.
. b. some animals develop allergies to the genetically engineered crops. c. some food staples, such as rice, contain more nutrients
Rice is global staple food. It is mostly affordable by the poor and peasant farmer wordwilde.Vitamin A is an important vitamin for good eye sight and also for boosting the immunity.
This useful vitamin is present in eggs, cheese and liver. Which are expensive for poor families Some small quantity are produced as carotene found in carrot. However, a precursor of Vitamin A called Pro-vitamin A carotenoids is present in the part of rice called the Aleurone layer.
However this part of the rice is not in the endosperm thus the vitamin are washed way during processing of white rice .Although this is present in brown rice. Basically, the energy storage in most crop seeds is stored in the endosperm. Thus the vitamin in the rice are not stored are therefore not imbibe during consumption.
Therefore in order to incorporate carotenoid into the endosperm to avoid been wasted, Daffodil was used. The genes for the transcription of carotene in daffodils and from particular soil bacteria called Pantoea Anantis were extracted, to transfer carotenoid into the rice endosperm. This is called the Golden rice,, because the rice appear golden from the incorporation of the carotenoid into the endosperm though genetic engineering. This appear orange from the carotene pigment present in the endosperm.
Thus from the consumption of the rice ,poor family could imbibe vitamin A into their diet.