if it's seen by people with normal psychological condition, source of phobia often easily overlooked since it does not possess the ability to hurt or injures us. But, to a people with phobia, that seemingly harmless object will cause unreasonable and excessive fear in their mind.
Phobia is most likely caused by a psychological trauma that we experienced in the past. The object that remind us with that trauma will be most likely become the trigger that is causing the phobia.
For example,
Children who are often being caged in a small room as a form of 'punishment' by their parents has a higher chance to grow up to be claustrophobic (having irrational fear if they are in confined space, like an elevator in their office)
the baby will have a low birth weight.
Based on the scenario being described it can be said that the a reasonable prediction in this scenario would be that the baby will have a low birth weight. This is because due to the mother struggling and not eating correctly, she therefore lack of sufficient nutrients in the body. Since the mother needs to eat healthy and sufficiently to make sure that the baby is well nutritioned, then it is safe to say that the baby will be malnutritioned as well and have a low birth weight.
Susie's decision in this situation demonstrates a quality of control theory called : inner control
A person that has an inner control tend to have a solid opinion upon a certain issues and very unlikely to be swayed by others. In this case, susie is willing to sacrifice her popularity in order to held on to her belief.
Georgia's constitution, like that of most states, requires that a balanced budget be introduced and passed by the General Assembly. The governor is responsible for submitting to the legislature an annual budget based on revenue estimates made by the Office of Planning and Budget.
It is pretty much explained up above
From a young age, honesty should be instilled as one of the most important values for kids. Honesty is always the best policy, and your child must be encouraged to tell the truth regardless of whatever mistakes he/she may have committed.