business exists only to earn profits by providing goods and services to the customers. According to the modern concept, the underlying objective of every business is customer satisfaction as this is what results in most profits. If the customer is satisfied, the business excels. something about Business goals is a predetermined target that a business or individual plans to achieve in a set period of time. These goals are often split into short-term goals and long-term goals. Business goals can be general and high level, or they can focus on specific measurable actions. One of the reasons businesses succeed is that they reach consumers first. The fastest companies to market have the best access to customers. ... It's much easier to dominate a market without competitors. If you are first to market, you are more likely to succeed, even if your product or service is substandard.
Final Good
Products that are bought by individuals or households for personal use.
training and development specialist
From the question we are informed about Ruby who enjoys working with other people. She has excellent leadership, interpersonal, and communication skills that she would like to use in her future career. In this case the career that would be the best fit for her based on her skills is training and development specialist.
Training and development specialists can be regarded as a profession that provide help in administering, creating and delivering of training programs for organization as well as Businesses. They do this through group discussions and lecturing and also team exercise.