The Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted after the Civil War, July 9, 1868. The Fourteenth Amendment introduced the granting of citizenship to any person born in the United States, and a prohibition on the deprivation of rights other than by court order.
This amendment became one of the most democratic in the history of American constitutionalism, as it not only proclaimed the equality of all citizens regardless of skin color, but also provided for punishment of states for violation of these requirements by reducing the norm of representation in the US Congress.
The first paragraph of the amendment stated that all persons born in the United States or having received citizenship there and obeying the laws of the country are its citizens and citizens of the state where they live, and may be deprived of the right to life, liberty, and property only by court order, and not the passage of any restrictive laws. On the basis of the 14th amendment, the rights of the black population were also affirmed.
At the same time, the amendment prohibited the taking of public office by persons who had previously taken the oath of allegiance to the US Constitution and subsequently participated in an armed rebellion against the US government or who had “helped or supported” the enemies of the United States.
You don't even give answer choices, you have to do that for someone to help you
Firstly kids where not supposed to do those things in school however it happens so if something like this has to happen make sure u keep it to yourself of it gets out and you been discriminated speak to a teacher someone u can trust
2. Republican President= B. Dwight D. Eisenhower
3. a person who currently holds an office= F. incumbent
4. Democratic President= A. Jimmy Carter
6. to yield or surrender; admit or acknowledge= E. concede
1. formed by Theodore Roosevelt in 1912= C.Bull Moose Party
5. formed by Ross Perot in 1992= D. United We Stand Party
Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components.