The "a" tag or <a></a> and its "h<u>r</u>ef" attribute <a href="#"></a>
In html there is only one way to create a link to an external source or a bookmark. The tag is created using the element <a>.
The attribute "href" is then added to describe the link of where it is to point to.
<a href="">Go to Google</a>
While the text in between the tag describes what the link is about.
A pro of HCI technology is that its user friendly and a con about it is that you have to teach the user what to do or guide them!
Joint Application Development (JAD)
Joint Application Development is a method of application development that lay emphasis on the up-front aspect of the application development cycle whereby steady communication between the designers and the intended users of the application under development by coming together in collaborative workshop styled discussions known as JAD sessions involving the mediators, facilitator, observers, end users, experts, and developers. As such with JAD process application development result in fewer errors high quality and is completed in lesser time.