Answer: When Cara is fit and healthy, she's better able to succeedin school and at her job. She's less likely to spend time in doctors' officesand hospitals, freeing resources for other patients. She has also become asource of knowledge about health. By sharing what she's learned, Cara canhelp others make healthful choices in their own lives.Her friends and people she works with will likely learn from her and follow in her footsteps as she passes on herHealth Literacy
The answer is either A or D sorry not much help
In 1840, the first indoor bowling alley opened—Knickerbocker Alleys in New York City. This bowling Alley was different from the ones we use today, but this is when bowling started to become popularized.
Horomonal check sleepy sleepy part of medical record oh yeah wait a minute mister post man eeeyeeyee
1. Warm up
2. Rest if you get tired
3. Don't push yourself too hard to the point when you are in pain