The process whereby gametes produced by different sexes of the same species of organism come together is called FERTILIZATION. A gamete is said to be HAPLOID (n) if it contains one set of chromosomes while it is DIPLOID (2n) if it contains two sets of chromosomes.
Hence, if an haploid (n) and diploid (2n) gamete unites, a zygote that is TRIPLOID (3n) emerges or forms. A triploid zygote will have three sets of chromosomes i.e. n + 2n = 3n.
All information that we are aware of is processed in the conscious mind, while the subconscious mind deals with information that we are not aware of.
This isn't possible except you have a system where there isn't competition and the survival of the fittest in the aspect of the food chain
The rain forest will have a lot of rain and snakes and the sahel will not