As early as possible, the guardians at home must speak in English to naturally put the babies' at ease with it. It is much easier to teach young people. If the parents' primary language is not English, then the child would have learn later in school. Or worse, he would have to acquire English lessons especially if needed at work.
Everyone has a chance of being superior, gender doesn't matter, the smartest would win.
That is very hard. We can not control our thoughts, but we can focus our energy on something else that makes up block their thoughts.
"Where your focus goes, your energy flows"
When you focus on other people's thoughts all ur energy is toward that, and you will keep thinking about them. Do something cool, work on ur dream, eat some food, and watch a good movie. Whatever u want or think u can attract it by being positive and saying to your self, I am more, and worth it. and say I'm thinking about me, myself, and my love of whatever or dream lol :DD
his perception
Perception in psychology may be defined as the mental impressions or an understanding of a person about the judgement of others. It is the understanding of the sensory information.
In the context, Edgar who is being challenged by his team members on the new software that he had recently reviewed feels that his team members are making excuses of being lazy and are disagreeing with his ideas for comments on the new software. Thus his judgement about his team members are being influenced by his perception.