The conditions described, the results wanted and the solutions taken in real time. All those elements and desires can be achieved with Internet of things (IoT).
With IoT we can create a system of interrelated computing, mechanical, digital machines or objects identified in a unique way, those elements will be capable of transfer information over a specific network without human-computer interaction or human to human interaction. In this way and for this particular case with IoT we will be capable of create smart transportation models capable of reroute based on local traffic conditions and further events.
would you translate to English please and I will be willing to help
Tropical hunters & gatherers
According to the Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063, the nation is defined as "having common aspirations and united by a bond of allegiance to national independence, integrity, national interest, and prosperity, the Nepalese people endowed with multiracial, multilingual, multi-religious and multicultural specialties