The answer is interest. whenever you take a car loan from a bank or a financial institution, you always have to pay interest on the amount borrowed or the principal amount. the interest is how the financial institution or bank will earn through lending money
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d. there is a technological improvement.
a) replacing production of one good in favor of another will be a move across the PPF
b) abandon inefficient production will bring the production to the PPF from a place below it.
c) has no relationship it will simply put inflationary pressure.
<em>d) the technological improvement will make a better use of the factor thus, increasing productivity and making possible more production with the same amount of materials.</em>
One-Product<span> Companies. i belive
Answer: a.Vacation pay earned by employees
Explanation: Adjusting entries refers to journal entry made to ensure that some financial activity is assigned to the posting period in which the activity occurred. Their main purpose is to match incomes and expenses to appropriate accounting periods. They are made at the end of an accounting period to allocate income and expenditure to the period in which they actually occurred.