It can be explained in that way or also called Predatory/prey relationships.
Parasitism is when one is benefited and the other harmed (ie leech and human)
Commensalism is when one is benefited and the other not affected (Tree frog and rainforest tree)
Mutualism is when both are benefited (Bee eats honey and Flower is pollinated).
the answer is respiration
Continuous variations are formed due to chance segregation of genes during gamete formation, crossing over and chance combination during fertilization. They can increase adaptability of the race but cannot form new species.
The energy needed by a system to initiate a process is called as the activation energy. It describes the minimum energy which must be available to a chemical system with potential reactants to result in a chemical reaction. Hope this answers the question.
<span>Platanthera praeclara -
Las principales amenazas a esta planta son el desarrollo, el pastoreo excesivo, los incendios y el calentamiento global.
Symphyotrichum georgianum -
en peligro debido al desarrollo del hábitat natural.
Zizania texana -
amenazada por la disminución de los niveles de agua causada por la presa de Spring Lake.
Thelypodium howellii ssp. Spectabilis -
pero su población disminuye anualmente debido a la siega de pasto innecesaria en las áreas que esta planta llama hogar.
Stenogyne Kanehoanait-
se descubrió que los recortes de esta planta se pueden cultivar exitosamente en cautividad.
No soy tan fluido en español.</span>