lion and cheetah populations compete for the food source of zebras ,and lions outcome cheetahs
Mitochondria - The mitochondria is referred to as the power house of the cell. Its main function if to produceenergy for cell by the process of cellular respiration. The energyproduced is ATP. Endoplasmic Reticulum - It is a network for transportation of certain substances in and out of the nucleus.
Latitude is not a factor in marine life divisions.
3. An even number of chromosomes are required for synapsis during prophase I and proper pairing during metaphase
Mules are hybrids of a cross between a female horse and a male donkey. Horses contain 64 chromosomes while donkeys contain 63 chromosomes in their somatic cells respectively. This means that they each produce 32 and 31 chromosomes respectively during meiosis. A mule, hence, contains 32+31= 63 chromosomes in their somatic cells.
This chromosome number in mules are uneven for meiosis to occur because meiotic division requires that an even number of homologous chromosomes pair together in a process called SYNAPSIS during prophase I of meiosis I. This is impossible in a mule because of the uneven number of chromosomes in its cells.
Also, during metaphase of meiosis, the homologous chromosomes need to be properly aligned at the equator for separation to occur. This is also impossible in a mule considering the number of chromosomes that don't add up.
Due to this reason of unevenness in the number of chromosomes present in a mule, meiosis will not occur and if meiosis (gamete formation) does not occur, reproduction cannot take place. Therefore, the mule is a sterile species i.e. cannot produce offsprings via sexual reproduction.
The drug that is associated when having to intake it when
pregnant that is likely causing premature birth, low birth weight infants and
the fetal death is the use of nicotine. This type of drug is a form of agonist
in regards with nicotinic acetylcholone receptors.