The truth is it equals 50
Statement 2 (The ages of the Stars are the most dispersed from the team’s mean).
Step-by-step explanation:
Standard deviation is one way to measure the average of the data by determining the spread of the data. It actually explains how much the observation points are further away from the mean of the data. Higher the standard deviation, higher the spread of the data and higher is the uncertainty. This means that the team with the highest standard deviation will have the most dispersion. In this case, the standard deviation of 4.1 is the largest number, therefore, the statement "The ages of the Stars are the most dispersed from the team’s mean." is true i.e. the option 2!!!
You know, it would really be helpful if we could have a peek at
the picture that's "shown below". Just a peek would be enough.
Right now, the only thing I see below is my dog.
Now ... follow me here ... if you're looking for tan(r), then 'r' is
one of the angles in the triangle, and I'm guessing that all three
of those letters are angles.
tan(r) is going to be the ratio of two of the sides ... I mean
(one side) divided by (another side).
There's no way to go any farther, because you haven't given us
any names for the sides, or any way to describe them.
Betcha the names of the sides are on that picture that's supposed
to be shown below.
Therefore the period of the sinusoidal wave = 3.14.
The amplitude of the function = 2.
Step-by-step explanation:
The period of a sinusiodal wave is given by the length of x axis which covers one full cycle of the wave, which one positive half-cycle and one negative half cycle.
From the graph we can see that one of the cycles starts at -3.14 / 4 and ends at 3.14
Therefore we can sutract the start point value from the end point value to get the period
Therefore period = (3.14
3/4) - (-3.14 / 4) = (3.14
3/4) + (3.14 / 4) = 3.14
Therefore the period of the sinusoidal wave = 3.14.
The amplitude of the function = 2.