Correct matching of invertebrates and its characteristics are as follows:
Sponges are animals which have many cell but no mouth, muscles , heart or brain. They are sessile and can not move from place to place like other animals do, filter feeding animals with an asymmetrical body plan.
Cnidarians are the animals with radial symmetry and stinging cnidocyte cells. These animals consists a special cell cnida which functions in preying catch and defense. example- jellyfish, anemone.
Flatworms are the worm like animal which do not consist a body cavity or coelom. example- fluke and tapeworms.
Roundworms or threadworms are segmented worms that can live in water or land. They consist a body cavity and internal organs. examples- pinworms and hookworms.
Mollusks are the animals which consist mentle, foot and and sometimes a shell. example- octopus, squids.
Echinoderms are the animals which have radial symmetry and an endoskeleton made out of calcareous plate. These animals live only in marine environment.These animals lack circulatory and excretory systems.
Arthopods are the animals with jointed legs and an exoskeleton made out of chitin. example- spiders, shrimps and crabs.
Answer: DNA contains alternating sugar-phosphate molecules whereas RNA does not contain sugars
increased energy is not a symptom of depression
Myelin sheath
Myelin sheath cover the axon of neurons and act as insulator for the faster transmission of signals.
Each axon is covered by multiple myelin sheaths and the gap between myelin sheath are known as Nodes of Ranvier.
In CNS myelin sheath is composed of glial cell called as oligodendrocytes and in PNS the myelin sheath is composed of Sachwann cells (glial cells).
If the father had the gene BB (purebred & not carrying colourblind allele), then the answer will be a). All of their children will have normal vision with half of them carrying the colourblind allele.
If the father had the gene Bb (hydrid & carrying colourblind allele), then the answer will be d). 3/4 of their children would have normal vision whilst the last quarter would have colourblind males. This is due to them having to receive one colourblind allele from their mother on the X chromosome & one colourblind allele from their father on the Y chromosome.