Frequency,intensity ,time,type
Everyone in the community have the responsibility to
take good care of their health by putting nutritious food in their plate. Choosing
to follow the recommended nutritional value in each meal will make an impact to
their community by reducing the risk of being physically sick. Along with
nutritious food, physical fitness must also be involved like having at least 20
minutes of walking or doing simple routine exercises.
Body produces dependence.
This means that when the person stops taking the drug they have physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal. This can be muscle cramping, diarrhea, and anxiety. (Google.)
Before pressing and rotating the swab repeatedly over the wound surfaces, the nurse should delicately introduce the swab into the wound. The nurse should put the swab back in the culture tube after collecting the material. The nurse must take care to keep the culture tube's interior and the swab sanitary at all times.
To prevent contaminating both the swab with organisms not in the wound and the places the swab touches with organisms discovered in the wound, the nurse should avoid touching the swab to intact skin at the borders of the wound or to the outside of the tube. To avoid contaminating the culture, the nurse needs to clean the wound using a nonantimicrobial cleanser.
Learn more about Wound here-