After I looked up some quick information, your car loses 15-25% each year. After 5 years, it goes to only 37%. So, a car that would cost 20000 would be valued at around 7k after 5 years. So, in the first 5 years, it lost 14k. Also, a 1999 Corolla goes for 2.5k, and that's nearly 20 years. So, I'm just going to go with, based off these numbers, probably 25-30 years...if it still works by then.
Also, if you get in a heavy accident the next day, making the car unusable, you rip off your friend. The first scenario only applies if the engine works well and no accidents were on the vehicle either.
She can buy 3 pairs for $9.00 with $2.00 extra.
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