Los aminoácidos químicamente son sustancias que estan formadas como su nombre lo indica, por un grupo amino y uno carboxilo, unidos ambos a un carbono central. Recordemos que el átomo de carbono tiene valencia 4, es decir, tiene cuatro lugares para sostener enlaces. Por lo tanto el resto los puede ocupar con átomos de hidrógeno u otras cadenas carbonadas a las que simbolizamos con la letra R. R puede ser un grupo metilo o un etilo o un gruo de más carbonos o también un anillo aromático, etc
why u want to know why u disturb ur mind by things which are already written in books
The correct answer is the final option - sickle cell disease and malaria are both potentially lethal diseases.
The other options are incorrect because sickle cell disease is an inherited disease, but malaria is not - it is an infectious disease. However, both of these disease are quite dangerous, and may have severe consequences (such as death) if they are not properly treated.
The correct answer is D: stable and not growing or shrinking. I hope this helped:)
In biology, evolution is the change in the inherited traits of a population from generation to generation.
Common traits that have evolved in creatures are multicellular, heterotrophic, obtaining their energy by consuming energy-releasing food substances, reproduction and changes in cell structures.