A weather forecaster is C a meteorologist
Sumer or Sumeria is still thought to be the birthplace of slavery, which grew out of Sumer into Greece and other parts of ancient Mesopotamia. The Ancient East, specifically China and India, didn't adopt the practice of slavery until much later, as late as the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC.
A culture anthropologist would be most reasonable.
They study people and their development which covers both culture and the potential resources used to engender this development (earths resources).
Orator: is a person that demonstrates outstanding skill and power as a public speaker.
State's rights: is the belief that the country was founded by and for the states, and where each state keeps final power for itself.
Tariff: is a tax or duty on goods brought from a foreign nation
Nullification: is the act of canceling something, when one thing overcomes or overrides another, basically erasing the effects of the first thing
Great Debate: was between Senator Hayne of South Carolina and Senator Webster of Massachusetts on the topic of protectionist tariffs