The common denominator is 1
Given the expression:
Find the LCM of the numerator to have:
Simplify both the numerator and the denominator to have:
![= \dfrac{\frac{b-a}{ab} }{\frac{1}{ab} }\\= \frac{b-a}{ab} \times ab\\=\frac{b-a}{1} \times 1 \\=\frac{b-a}{1}](
From the result, we can see that the common denominator is 1
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300 feet
Step-by-step explanation:
If we were using feet the expression would be 198x, where x is feet per second
Since they are asking in meters we need to convert feet to meters
When you do that you get 60
Now the expression is 60x
When you plug 5 into the equation it is 300
Answer: 64.8 mph
Step-by-step explanation:
Arriving time is 6 hours
return time is 4 hours
The average speed of returning 81 mph
Distance traveled while returning
![\Rightarrow d=81\times 4=324\ miles](
the average speed of the entire trip is
![\Rightarrow v_{avg}=\dfrac{2\times 324}{6+4}=\dfrac{648}{10}=64.8\ mph](