Answer:phytoplanktons are photosynthestic organism. They have the ability to produce their own food.
Explanation: Because of there small size they could absorb nutrients in the water even at lower concentration and convert it to energy need for there growth.
Its is said that phytoplanktons are one of the largest producer of oxygen gas.
The correct answer is: The recessive allele produces a phenotype that is better able to survive and reproduce than the dominant phenotype.
Natural selection (adaptation mechanism), gene flow, and mutation combine to change allele frequencies across generations. Natural selection tends to increase in frequency beneficial alleles, while it tends to decrease in frequency deleterious alleles.
The plant cell wall is strengthened by the molecular structure of cellulose. Cellulose is made up of ß-glucose arranged upside down, this arrangement aided hydrogen bonds between the hydrogen ions of the hydroxyl group and oxygen of the of the ring of same betta -glucose.
The aggregation of the hydrogen bonds give bundles of strong tensile strength of cellulose called the microfibrils (of 60-70 celluose molecules).They are held together in bundled called fibers.T<u>hese is the source of plant cell walls strength.
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Collagen is the main extracellur matrix (EM) in animal cells.It is a glycoprotein made up of 25%of body protein of animals.Each collagen molecule is made of helix shaped ,three polypeptide chains, wound around each other to form<u> triple helix.</u>The bonds holding helix together are hydrogen and covalent bonds.
Each triple helix is attached to adjacent collagen molecule, parallel to it. The covalent bonds formed a cross link which held the collagen molecules together forming FIBRILS. This gives flexibility to collagen, while maitaing strong tensile strength. This is what is responsible for the structural strength of cell membrane
.The EM,is futher reinforced with carbohydrate molecules(proteoglycans) which<u> aided in water movements by osmosis following sodium movements into the matrix.</u>
Enzymes can be denatured by irregular PH. Meaning that they can change shape. Enzymes rely on their shape in order to function so if their shapes change because of the PH then the active sites don't fit anymore and they enzymes wont work.