Republics are necessary for limited governance. Given that individuals frequently don't use the voting booth for governmental tasks, democracy truly doesn't work well with a limited government.
They sell their votes to politicians who will pay the greatest price for them, and they exploit the government to get an endless supply of free things.
A democracy will start to ignore the rule of law when systematic thievery becomes the norm because it must in order to exist, no matter how severe the corruption. When the next check comes is all that matters.
Thank you,
Without freedom of assembly, America would not truly be a democracy. If there were no outlet for the American people to voice their concerns for the American Government or voice their disapproval, America would not be known as the Land of Freedom.
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The Open Door policy was written in 1899. The U.S. was interested in acquiring cheaper goods (mainly cotton) from foreign markets.
John Hays wrote this policy to protect the privileges among countries that were trading with China. He wanted countries to have equal access to ports open to trade in China, and to avoid a monopoly.
The first note in the Open Door Policy said that (1) each great power should maintain free access to a treaty port or to any other vested interest within its sphere.
The answer is - The Root Node
The Phylogenetic tree shows the relationship between different organisms and their path of evolution through time. It is a graphical representation that links organisms from a common ancestor down to their different descendants. The most recent common ancestor of all the taxa or organisms on a phylogenetic tree is represented by a root node as it is the very first parent or node.