Pros are kids won't get bullied or judged by what they are wearing. Also you can focus on who the person is and not what they look like
Some cons are low self esteem and no confidence. kids won't be able to express themselves. There won't have to be a dress code.
(hope my answers help you)
Experiences in School - some good and some not so good - shared for others to learn
Some experiences we hope will happen to others
The best experiences I've had when I was asked to talk to classes. These teachers were really interested in stuttering and wanted to help their students. I received postcards and presents afterwards and brought me back my faith in teachers again.
I also took a class in presentation techniques and everyone in class had to make a presentation. The whole class should then comment and grade the presentations. I was deadly nervous, but had a subject I knew a lot about: our museum at home. I took a lot of things to look at, try, feel and to listen to to make them concentrate on other thing but myself and my speech, walked around a lot using body language, remembered the experience about time and had my watch on the table in front of me. When I was finished I was shaking all over. Can you imagine my surprise when I "won" on all items, including my speech? As Russ is always telling us: it's not your speech that counts, it's what you put into it. (Anita Blom, Sweden, September 9, 1999)
Her Name Was Mrs. Clousson, and She Cared by Lee Reeves
it may help you
Well, Metaphors are actually metaphors.
Let’s do this by parts.
And also let’s start with CONTEXT CLUES. You can use this methodology with this helpful structure that I found (attached). And it works this way:
• You use the WORD part to understand deeply the meaning of the word and you do it by breaking down the parts of the word and looking for the definition of each part.
• You use the DEFINITION part to find the meaning of the word within the sentence.
• You use the SYNONYM part to have different words that have the same meaning and you might know.
• You use the EXAMPLE part to give you some clues about the meaning of the word.
SENTENCE ANALYSIS. It consist of breaking down the sentence and identify each word of it whether if it is a verb, a noun, a compound noun, subject, a conjunction, subordinating conjunction and others. You do to understand the reason why it is used in the sentence and what the sentence means.
SYNTAX. To analyze this you need to unit the words to form sentences and to express concepts.
b, this is a set of laws, because it includes mandatory rules for the staff.