hitler came to power by convincing the leaders and many people that the Jews did it all
What ever amendment does:
1) 6th amendment- This guarantees citizens the right to a public trial, the right to a lawyer, right to have a jury of their peers, and the right to know what charges are being put against you. All of these are imperative, as it gives each citizen equal treatment in the eyes of the law.
2) 7th amendment- This guarantees a right to a civil trial in any case in which the object in question is valued at over $20. In this case, there would be a jury. This ensures that any damage to a person's property may be ruled on in court.
3) 8th amendment- This protects citizens against excessive bail. This ensures that citizens are not held for an unfair amount of money. The crime dictates how much bail should be for the individual.
Hope this helps! God bless
A good economic strategy for an area with tropical weather but few skilled workers would be an economic strategy with a focus on developing education and a technology sector, because this will help the employment of the workers, while give the time to prepare the next workforce into new market that could expand the economy even more.
There is found a mutation in G5W parents during the gamete formation created X-linked dominant disease allele. As the expression of the allele determines the allele that dominant or recessive. Because sometimes the allele becomes complete even then it is incomplete. In many cases, these alleles occur together or express at the same time that is called co dominance. The X-linked inheritance works differently with male and female because the male has XY chromosome and female has only XX chromosome. So a man has chances their son 50% but daughter has more or 99% chances to be inherited by the disease. Females only pass their X chromosome to each son or daughter so the chances from a female dominant inheritance 50% chances of X-linked disease.