The high school division has 216,000 members
From a statistical point of view, participants do not have enough information. To extrapolate statistical data, at least 30 subjects should be observed to make an inference, considering the traditional quantitative analysis and using the central limit theorem.
The central limit theorem, indicates that, in very general conditions, if Sn is the sum of n random independent variables and of not null but finite variance, then the function of distribution of Sn approximates to a normal distribution or Gauss distribution, therefore, the number of variables is quite enough in size to establish that the sample shares “normally” a characteristic such as “being obese” in the example referred regarding the tribe on the pacific island.
the reason why is that the adada is also ababa
As consumer phycology is the study of how or why people buy things or goods, it is a useful tool to seek what are the patterns that potential customers are likely to follow aiming to sell the bank services such as bank runs.
By using the influence of marketing, and external stimuli to convince possible clients to purchase, based on studies and their findings, which can help banks marketing executives to figure out how to sell the product or what is the most likely population to work on based on their preferences in order to offer different options to the costumers that can adapt to their needs.
Jean Jacques Rousseau would most likely agree with speaker number four:
governments derive their powers from the consent of the people
Rousseau believed that the people coming together collectively to ensure and agree on government is the only form of legitimacy (Social Contract Theory).