Decimal division is super easy, let me show you how.
First, let's remove the decimal from both numbers. We have <em>184 </em>and <em>340</em>. Now let's multiply those two numbers.
184*340 = 62560.
Now, we need to figure out how many decimal places are in the original decimals. 18.<u>4</u> has one decimal place, and 3.<u>4</u> has one decimal place. (We don't count zeros at the end of a decimal as a decimal place.)
Now that we've figured out that there was a total of two decimal places, there can only be two decimal places in the answer. Let's take the 62560 that we got, and put a decimal in it. Remember, only two decimal places.
If there's only two decimal places in 62560, it would look like this: 62.<u>56</u> (<em>Remember, zeros at the end of a decimal does not count as a decimal place!)</em>
There's your final answer. 62.56.
Hope this explanation helped you out. :)
4 × v + 1 - (4 - 7) < 0
4(v) + 1
Divide (÷) each side side '4'
Then subtract (-) 1 from each side
v < -1
Now we're looking for then inequality plot in: 4.000v + 4.000 < 0
Therefore, your answer would have to be
" x < -1" (:
Write the highlighted digit's place and value.
3. 567; ones place 4. 6,327; thousandth place
5. 9,325; hundredth place 6. 8,281; tenth place
Write each number in standard form.
7. 5,000 + 500 + 3; 5,503 8. 2,000 + 300 + 20 + 9; 2,329
9. 4,000 + 600 + 8; 4,608 9. 9,000 + 300 + 70 + 2; 9,372
11. 1,221
We know Sierra has the same numbers in the thousandth and ones place, so keep does numbers: 1,?2?
It also has two more hundreds and 3 fewer ones place: Take the original number; 1,024 (Make sure you keep the numbers) into a equation; (1024+200)-3. First Add as it's in the ( ), then subtract, 1,221
I hope I've helped!
Each student should do 1/4 of one board or 1/8 of both boards. This is because 8÷2 is 4, which means 4 people need to work together on one board.