Name and Title: Lyric Howe, Mrs. Stefani, 9/20/17, Thermal Energy and Chemical Change Engineering Lab
Define the Problem:To understand thermal energy and chemical changes better by building my own train.
Criteria and Limitations—In this section, please list at least three criteria that must be met by your train design. Also include any limitations that could prevent it from getting its cargo to the station.
Criteria Limitations One steam engine Two separate hills One cargo box Missing tracks Stack items across or atop each other Weight
Design Ideas—Pros and Cons:In this section, describe three design ideas you have for your train. List at least one pro (a positive) and one con (a negative) for each design option
Description of Train Design One Wheels first with two springs underneath each wheel, the panda cargo in the middle with the steam engine in the front, and two sets of helium balloons.