The average death rate for this type of event is closest to 350 people per event.
Between the years 2048 and 2057
Is 10 years. Since there is only one chance of event between these years, there is no point to consider it.
The total number of events = 2940 chances.
average death rate per event = total number of dead people divided by total number of events of occurrence.
1000000/2940 = 340.134
The average death rate for this type of event is therefore closest to 350 people per event
- No, this doesn't mean the electric potential equals zero.
In electrostatics, the electric field
is related to the gradient of the electric potential V with :

This means that for constant electric potential the electric field must be zero:

This is not the only case in which we would find an zero electric field, as, any scalar field with gradient zero will give an zero electric field. For example:

give an electric field of zero at point (0,0,0)
1.0 m/s
First, convert to SI units.
0.30 km × (1000 m / km) = 300 m
5.0 min × (60 s / min) = 300 s
Speed is distance divided by time:
300 m / 300 s = 1.0 m/s
When the canoe leaked, the boat
sank because it has a leak. The boat must have a strong base at its bottom to
enable itself to float. If this is damaged, the water can now enter due to the
hole thereby increasing the velocity of water coming in.