The magnitude of your displacement can be equal to the distance you covered, or it can be less than the distance you covered. But it can never be greater than the distance you covered.
This is because displacement is a straight line, whereas distance can be a straight line, a squiggly line, a zig-zag line, a line with loops in it, a line with a bunch of back-and-forths in it, or any other kind of line.
The straight line is always the shortest path between two points.
You would take a black dot at the top right of the y axis and dray it to the the far right of your x axis. hope this helps have a nice day and God bless
When you are in free fall, the force of gravity is stronger than your velocity perpendicular to where you're falling, and you move at a constant speed downwards.
Under feelings of weightlessness, you are still being pulled by gravity, but your perpendicular velocity and distance from the source can cancel each other out.
The law of conservation of energy can be seen in these everyday examples of energy transference: Water can produce electricity. Water falls from the sky, converting potential energy to kinetic energy.
The cue ball loses energy because the energy it had has been transferred to the 8 ball, so the cue ball slows down