A: fused sentence.
A fused sentence is a sentence that incorrectly fuses w no punctuation.
It wouldn’t be Inverted word order because that would mean the sentence is out of order, it is in order telling us “my aunt come to visit, we took her to the museum” it wouldn’t be “we took her to the museum, my aunt came to visit”
A sentence fragment is only part of a sentence that’s only telling us one piece of information, this is a full sentence telling us everything we need to know, it’s just not punctuated correctly.
A comma splice is using a comma where one is not needed, I see no comma in this sentence, therefor this wouldn’t be correct.
A group of Puritan refugees under the leadership of John Winthrop
This depends slightly on the region of Africa in question, but many of them were re-sold into slavery for other tribes in the region, while others were eventually freed.
Primary source is an artifact, a document, diary, manuscript, autobiography, a recording, or other source of information that was created at the time under study.